Stopping the Bully: Strategies for Creating Safe Environments

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450,00 ZAR each Brand: Aquilla TrainingAquilla Training

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Unfortunately, negative behaviour such as bullying exists in our community. By enhancing people’s ability to feel good about themselves there is a possibility to facilitate a process of being able to change behaviour that has negative consequences. However, changing behaviour is not enough.

 In this programme, we use a wholistic approach by looking at bullying from a wider perspective than just a behavioural problem. We see bullying as a fruit of a larger problem in society. The community is influenced by what happens to individuals at the hands of other individuals because the effects of bullying are not limited to the targeted victim, the bully and the bystander.

 This workshop is not just a theoretical tactic, but a solution-focused approach to addressing bullying. In this workshop, we attempt to widen participants' understanding of the problem-saturated situation and create the possibility for positive and healing dialogues in the various communities.

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